Ways to Pass the Hair Drug TestYou are not allowed to take drugs in your workplace. The work is affected if an employee uses drugs during work hours. Because of this, random drug testing is now being conducted in the workplace for employees who use drugs during work time. Anyone caught using drugs during work hours or using drugs during the workweek can potentially lose their jobs.
There are many ways that drug testing is done. Employers can use the urine test or the hair test. While the urine test was the common test used for drug testing before, it is now being replaced with a hair drug test. And the reason is that many employees cheat on their urine drug test. Urine drug testing has become unreliable because employees have found ways of passing it while taking drugs. You can rely more on a hair drug test than urine for certain reasons. Hair drug test is harder to cheat on. If you take drugs, then the drug residue will go to your hair follicles and remain there for long periods of time; these can easily be detected with a hair drug test. View
pageIs there a way for drug users to pass the hair drug test? Here are some ways.
One way is to shave off all your hair if you are scheduled to take a hair drug test. However, your employer might doubt the reason for shaving your hair. By removing all the hairs of your head during the schedules drug test, you might get caught trying to avoid the drug test. So, without hair strand, how can they test you? You might be happy about not being able to take the drug test. But, hairs on your head are not the only hairs in your body. By taking hairs in other parts of your body, your examiner can still give you a hair drug test. Visit
You can now find shampoos in the market that can remove the drug residue in your hair follicles. This type of shampoo can wash away the oil build-up on your scalp and remove the toxins and residue that are remaining on your hair roots. You should use a great amount of shampoo for your hair and wash as often as you can. But since this is only for the duration of the drug testing, it is just a temporary solution. Your hair can get damaged from overuse.
If you don’t take drugs during work week, then you can easily pass your drug test. You can easily pass your hair drug test if you refrain from taking drugs during the workweek. If you don’t want to get caught with drugs in your system that can cost you your job, then stop using drugs during work week. Passing your hair drug test is the best way to keep your job. Discover more on